Sacramental Records

Sacramental records are those records created when individuals receive one of the seven sacraments – Baptism, Penance and Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick and Dying

All sacramental records from Catholic Defence chapels, be they on land or sea, are held and recorded in a central location at the Chancery in Canberra.

How do I apply for a sacramental record

For enquiries relating to copies of a record of baptism, please complete this Baptismal Record Request form and return to the Chancery Office on

For enquiries relating to Baptism & Marriage please contact your local Chaplain. Their details can be found on the Chapels page.

NOTE: If you require a confirmation record, please use the baptismal form above stating you need a confirmation record.  


What if I am from a Catholic Parish Office and I have a notification

Please forward Catholic sacramental notifications of Confirmation and Marriage to the Chancery Office email:

Note: Sacramental records belonging to other faith groups e.g. Anglican need to notify that faith group through Navy, Army, or Air Force Chaplaincy, or ask to speak to a chaplain of that faith group through the Defence switch 1300 333 362

sacramental certificate