Women in Catholic Chaplaincy

The Military Diocese seeks to attract women into Catholic chaplaincy.

Defence Members in Recruitment for Chaplaincy

Women Chaplaincy 

The Military Diocese seeks to attract women into Catholic chaplaincy, either as full time or part time (Reservists) across Navy, Army or Air Force. Only one Catholic woman, Jean Johns, over the period of 2009-2014, has served in Air Force chaplaincy. Today, women form a sizable percentage in the Chaplaincy cohort, both from Christian, Hindu and Jewish faith traditions. At present, the Military Diocese has two women preparing for ministry. Hopefully, this is the start of a steady stream of suitable women wo see the Defence chaplains as an extremely attractive and viable ministry serving both the Church and ADF.

The role of women in the church is vital, and certainly so within the ADF with an ever-increasing female representation in the Services. Female chaplains are highly sought and welcomed. 

Within the Catholic community, the role of both women and men is evolving as we grow in the understanding of Christian baptism. All are called to live out their baptismal call, to acknowledge the church as their own and to contribute to its life in the world. This is a call to co-responsibility, greater than merely collaboration with clergy, but co-responsible discipleship, a vocation to contribute to the Church’s missionary impulse. 


Chaplain Sonia Lopez Gomez

In speaking of women’s vital role within the life of the Church, Pope Francis states: 

 “We need to create still broader opportunities for a more inclusive female presence in the Church” because “the feminine genius is needed in all expressions in the life of society, the presence of women must also be guaranteed in the workplace and in various other settings where important decisions are made, both in the church and in social structures” ( Evangelii   Gaudium 103). 


Support from the Vatican

The second Vatican Council (1962-65) through its vision of the Church as the People of God, stimulated a renewal of ministries for lay women and men. Through women’s involvement in liturgical expression, in lay movements, schools, administration, hospitals catechesis and lay chaplaincy, they bring a profound dimension to the Church’s life and missionary outreach. 

There are various avenues for entry of women into both full time and part time ministry with the Australian Defence Force. As lay chaplains, they share a pastoral mandate from the military bishop, working in collaboration with their male colleagues, with equal status and opportunity for pastoral ministry and leadership to live a vocation within a baptismal call.  

Women are encouraged to learn more about the opportunities with Defence chaplaincy, talk with their local chaplains if already in Defence, or contact Monsignor Peter O’Keefe at the Chancery on 0428 888 302 for further information. 

Enquiries for Navy, Army, or Air Force Chaplaincy please ask for a Catholic Chaplain
 Defence Switch: 1300 333 3623