Streamed Celebration of the National ANZAC Day Mass 2020

Military Ordinary of Australia


For over 30 years a special Mass in St. Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra has been celebrated at 8:00 am on Anzac Day. This year (2020) the community has been responding to the pandemic COVID 19 that has necessitated that ‘social distancing’ procedures are put in place to control the pandemic. Included in those measures has been the closure of Churches across the nation and the cancellation of public Masses. Hence the National Anzac Day Mass has had to be cancelled this year.

However, especially for Catholics, our observance of Anzac Day should always include the celebration of Mass with the intention of praying for the happy repose of the souls of those who have died in military service. It is the least we can do for them. It adds our own dimension to our remembrance of their outstanding contribution of their service. With is in mind I have resolved to maintain that tradition and celebrate Mass with that intention this year also.

The Mass will be celebrated in the ANZAC Memorial Chapel of St. Paul at the Royal Military College, Duntroon. The intention is to stream it at 8:00 am on Anzac Day via the diocesan website and the link will be found in the ‘Events’ section of the website. I have produced a little booklet that may help those watching to follow the Mass prayerfully. The booklet can be downloaded beforehand perhaps. This is a simple ‘no frills’ effort that has only one purpose and that is to provide an opportunity for us to spend some time in prayer together, even though we are apart, for our usual intention.

Download the Booklet here.

Please God we will have the opportunity to gather together to celebrate Mass as part of our observance next year.

Eternal rest grant to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine on them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

✠Max L. Davis